Presentation Guidelines
Each presentation should be designed with the following constraints in mind:
The screens and projection facilitates available at The Royal Society are in WideScreen Format. Therefore please ensure that your slides are set to "On-screen Show (16:9)" otherwise the slides will appear squashed when projected. This can be set in the "Page Setup" menu.
There is no PowerMEMS 2013 presentation template, so please use your institutional template.
Please see the chair for your session in the break before your session to check your details and pronunciation of your name.
You are required to bring your presentation on a USB stick and all presentations will be loaded on to the presentation computer in the break before your session, therefore please arrive promptly at the start of the break.
Please remember to strictly observe and not exceed your allotted time of 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes for questions.
A microphone and laser pointer will be available at the podium.
You should avoid lengthy outline, introduction, acknowledgement and/or conclusion slides.
Please repeat all questions after they are asked. Often the audience does not understand or hear the question and it is extremely useful for the question to be repeated. If the answer to a question is likely to be long, you may elect to provide a brief answer, but offer to meet the questioner at the end of the session for further discussion