General Information
Welcome to the web site for the 13th International Conference on Micro- and Nano-Technology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications, or PowerMEMS 2013. PowerMEMS 2013 will be held during December 3-6 at the The Royal Society in London, UK.
We are pleased to announce the inaugural PowerMEMS School to be held in conjunction with the PowerMEMS conference. This two-day school will cover a wide range of power-MEMS topics including technologies for power generation, power transmission, energy storage, power electronics interfaces and metrology. The school will be held December 2-3 at Imperial College London. Please see the school web pages for more information.
The objective of PowerMEMS 2013 is to catalyze innovation in miniature, micro- and nano-scale technologies for power generation and energy conversion. Broadly speaking, PowerMEMS focuses on all aspects of energy conversion and processing at the miniature, micro and nano scales.
The conference aims to stimulate the exchange of insights and information, and the development of new ideas in the Power MEMS/NEMS field as well as at the meso-scale. It will allow the attendees to interact and network within our multidisciplinary community that includes professionals from many branches of science and engineering. Additionally, it will provide a forum to address the commercialization of technologies through interaction with energy, policy, and entrepreneurial specialists.
We look forward to seeing you in London in December, and to your help in making PowerMEMS 2013 a great success!
Paul Mitcheson (Imperial College London)
Steve Beeby (University of Southampton)
General Chairs, PowerMEMS 2013